Apache Knox answers
Apache Knox Hadoop Answers
Apache Knox provides the Hadoop clusters with ________________
Choose the correct option from below list(1)Reliability
(2)Perimeter level security
Answer:-(2)Perimeter level security
_______________ will route the requests to multiple instances of Knox.
Choose the correct option from below list
(1)All the options
(3)Hadoop clusters
(4)Load balancer
Answer:-(4)Load balancer
Choose the correct option from below list
(1)All the options
(3)Hadoop clusters
(4)Load balancer
Answer:-(4)Load balancer
Pluggable provider chains make Apache Knox _______________ .
Choose the correct option from below list
Choose the correct option from below list
Apache Knox is a/an _______________ for the Hadoop platform deployments.
Choose the correct option from below list
(1)untrusted reverse proxy
(2)trusted reverse proxy
(3)untrusted forward proxy
(4)trusted forward proxy
Answer:-(2)trusted reverse proxy
Choose the correct option from below list
(1)untrusted reverse proxy
(2)trusted reverse proxy
(3)untrusted forward proxy
(4)trusted forward proxy
Answer:-(2)trusted reverse proxy
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