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TOP USE Full Unix/linux commands

head: This command displays the first few lines of a file.

tail: This command displays the last few lines of a file.

diff: This command compares the contents of two files.

tar: This command creates or extracts a compressed archive file.

curl: This command downloads or uploads data to/from a server.

wget: This command downloads files from the internet.

scp: This command securely copies files between local and remote hosts.

ssh-keygen: This command generates SSH keys for secure authentication.

vi or nano: These are text editors used to edit files in the terminal.

uptime: This command displays the current system uptime and load average.

free: This command displays the amount of free and used memory.

top: This command displays real-time system resource usage.

crontab: This command schedules tasks to run automatically at specified intervals.

kill: This command terminates a running process.

man: This command displays the manual pages for a command.

chmod: This command changes the file permissions of a file or directory.

chown: This command changes the ownership of a file or directory.

tar: This command creates or extracts a compressed archive file.

gzip: This command compresses a file.

unzip: This command extracts files from a compressed archive.

du: This command displays disk usage of files and directories.

df: This command displays the amount of disk space available and used.

ssh: This command connects to a remote server securely.

scp: This command securely copies files between local and remote hosts.

find: This command searches for files in a directory hierarchy.

sed: This command stream edits a file or input stream.

awk: This command processes and analyzes text files.

cut: This command extracts fields or columns from a file.

sort: This command sorts the contents of a file or input stream.

history: This command displays a list of recently used commands.

ls: This command lists the contents of a directory.

cd: This command changes the current working directory.

pwd: This command displays the current working directory.

mkdir: This command creates a new directory.

rmdir: This command removes a directory.

cp: This command copies files or directories from one location to another.

mv: This command moves files or directories from one location to another.

rm: This command removes a file or directory.

cat: This command displays the contents of a file.

grep: This command searches for a pattern in a file.

ping: This command tests the connectivity between two hosts.

netstat: This command displays network statistics and active connections.

ifconfig: This command displays network interface configuration information.

top: This command displays real-time system resource usage.

ps: This command displays a list of active processes

head: Display the first few lines of a file named "example.txt":


head example.txt

tail: Display the last few lines of a file named "log.txt":


tail -n 5 log.txt

diff: Compare the contents of two files named "file1.txt" and "file2.txt":

diff file1.txt file2.txt

tar: Create a compressed archive file named "archive.tar.gz" containing the files in a directory called "folder":

tar -czf archive.tar.gz folder

curl: Download a file named "example.txt" from a remote server and save it locally:


curl -O

wget: Download a file named "image.jpg" from a URL and save it locally:



scp: Copy a file named "file.txt" from a local directory to a remote server:


scp file.txt user@remotehost:/path/to/destination

ssh-keygen: Generate a new SSH key pair for secure authentication:


vi (or nano): Open a file named "document.txt" for editing using the Vi or Nano text editor respectively:


vi document.txt

nano document.txt

uptime: Display the system's uptime and load average:



free: Display the amount of free and used memory:



top: Display real-time system resource usage:



crontab: Edit the cron table to schedule tasks to run automatically at specified intervals:

crontab -e

kill: Terminate a running process with a specific process ID (PID):


kill PID

man: Display the manual page for a specific command, such as "ls":


man ls

chmod: Change the file permissions of a file or directory. For example, give read and write permissions to the owner of the file:


chmod u+rw file.txt

chown: Change the ownership of a file or directory. For example, change the owner of "file.txt" to a user named "newowner":


chown newowner file.txt

tar: Create a compressed archive file named "archive.tar.gz" containing the files in a directory called "folder":

tar -czf archive.tar.gz folder

gzip: Compress a file named "file.txt" into a compressed file named "file.txt.gz":

gzip file.txt

unzip: Extract files from a compressed archive named "" into the current directory:



du: Display the disk usage of files and directories in the current directory:



df: Display the amount of disk space available and used for all mounted filesystems:


df -h

ssh: Connect to a remote server securely. For example, connect to a server with IP address "" using username "user":


ssh user@

scp: Copy a file named "file.txt" from a local directory to a remote server:


scp file.txt user@remotehost:/path/to/destination

find: Search for files in a directory hierarchy. For example, find all text files in the current directory and its subdirectories:


find . -type f -name "*.txt"

sed: Perform stream editing on a file or input stream. For example, replace all occurrences of "old" with "new" in a file named "data.txt":


sed 's/old/new/g' data.txt

awk: Process and analyze text files. For example, print the second field of a file named "data.txt" using a comma as the delimiter:


awk -F, '{print $2}' data.txt

cut: Extract fields or columns from a file. For example, extract the first three columns from a file named "data.txt" using a tab as the delimiter:


cut -f 1-3 -d $'\t' data.txt

sort: Sort the contents of a file or input stream. For example, sort the lines of a file named "list.txt" in reverse order:


sort -r list.txt

history: Display a list of recently used commands:



ls: List the contents of a directory. For example, list all files and directories in the current directory:



cd: Change the current working directory to a specified directory. For example, change to the "Documents" directory:


cd Documents

pwd: Display the current working directory:



mkdir: Create a new directory named "folder":


mkdir folder

rmdir: Remove an empty directory named "folder":


rmdir folder

cp: Copy a file named "file.txt" from the current directory to a destination directory:


cp file.txt /path/to/destination

mv: Move a file named "file.txt" from the current directory to a destination directory:


mv file.txt /path/to/destination

rm: Remove a file named "file.txt":


rm file.txt

cat: Display the contents of a file named "file.txt":


cat file.txt

grep: Search for a pattern "pattern" in a file named "file.txt":


grep "pattern" file.txt

ping: Test the connectivity between two hosts. For example, ping a host with IP address "":


netstat: Display network statistics and active connections:


netstat -a

ifconfig: Display network interface configuration information:


top: Display real-time system resource usage:



ps: Display a list of active processes:

ps aux

These examples should give you a good starting point for using the commands effectively. Remember to consult the command's manual page (man) for more information and options specific to each command.

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