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Top Linux frequently asking in interview and important commands

 Top 30 Linux commands that are frequently asking in interview 

head: This command displays the first few lines of a file.

tail: This command displays the last few lines of a file.

diff: This command compares the contents of two files.

tar: This command creates or extracts a compressed archive file.

curl: This command downloads or uploads data to/from a server.

wget: This command downloads files from the internet.

scp: This command securely copies files between local and remote hosts.

ssh-keygen: This command generates SSH keys for secure authentication.

vi or nano: These are text editors used to edit files in the terminal.

uptime: This command displays the current system uptime and load average.

free: This command displays the amount of free and used memory.

top: This command displays real-time system resource usage.

crontab: This command schedules tasks to run automatically at specified intervals.

kill: This command terminates a running process.

man: This command displays the manual pages for a command.

chmod: This command changes the file permissions of a file or directory.

chown: This command changes the ownership of a file or directory.

tar: This command creates or extracts a compressed archive file.

gzip: This command compresses a file.

unzip: This command extracts files from a compressed archive.

du: This command displays disk usage of files and directories.

df: This command displays the amount of disk space available and used.

ssh: This command connects to a remote server securely.

scp: This command securely copies files between local and remote hosts.

find: This command searches for files in a directory hierarchy.

sed: This command stream edits a file or input stream.

awk: This command processes and analyzes text files.

cut: This command extracts fields or columns from a file.

sort: This command sorts the contents of a file or input stream.

history: This command displays a list of recently used commands.

ls: This command lists the contents of a directory.

cd: This command changes the current working directory.

pwd: This command displays the current working directory.

mkdir: This command creates a new directory.

rmdir: This command removes a directory.

cp: This command copies files or directories from one location to another.

mv: This command moves files or directories from one location to another.

rm: This command removes a file or directory.

cat: This command displays the contents of a file.

grep: This command searches for a pattern in a file.

ping: This command tests the connectivity between two hosts.

netstat: This command displays network statistics and active connections.

ifconfig: This command displays network interface configuration information.

top: This command displays real-time system resource usage.

ps: This command displays a list of active processes

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