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Python 3 Programming id 55193 Fresco Play


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Python 3 Programming Hands-On Solutions 

The Course id of Python 3 Programming is 55193


Python 3 Programming 



1. Print




import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys 


# Complete the 'Greet' function below.


# The function accepts STRING Name as parameter.



def Greet(Name):

    # Write your code here.

    print("Welcome " + Name + ".")

    print("It is our pleasure inviting you.")

    print("Have a wonderful day.")


if __name__ == '__main__':

    Name = input()





2. Namespaces 1





import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'Assign' function below.


# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. INTEGER i

#  2. FLOAT f

#  3. STRING s

#  4. BOOLEAN b



def Assign(i, f, s, b):

    # Write your code here

    w = i 

    x = f

    y = s

    z = b 







if __name__ == '__main__':


    i = int(input().strip())


    f = float(input().strip())


    s = input()


    b = input().strip()


    Assign(i, f, s, b)



3. Handson - Python - Get Additional Info 




import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'docstring' function below.


# The function is expected to output a STRING.

# The function accepts STRING x as parameter.



def docstring(functionname):

    # Write your code here



if __name__ == '__main__':


    x = input()




4. Name Space 2 















import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'Prompt' function below.




def Prompt():

    # Write your code here

    x = input('Enter a STRING:\n')




if __name__ == '__main__':





5.Handson - Python - Usage imports 

















import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'calc' function below.


# The function is expected to return an INTEGER.

# The function accepts INTEGER c as parameter.



def calc(c):

    # Write your code here

    r = c/(2*math.pi)

    a = r*r*math.pi

    x = round(r,2)

    y = round(a,2)



if __name__ == '__main__':

    fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')


    c = int(input().strip())


    result = calc(c)


    fptr.write(str(result) + '\n')





6. Python Range1

















import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'func' function below.


# The function is expected to print an INTEGER.

# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. INTEGER startvalue

#  2. INTEGER endvalue

#  3. INTEGER stepvalue



def rangefunction(startvalue, endvalue, stepvalue):

    # Write your code here

    for i in range(startvalue,endvalue,stepvalue):

        print(i*i,end = "\t")


if __name__ == '__main__':


    x = int(input().strip())


    y = int(input().strip())


    z = int(input().strip())


    rangefunction(x, y, z)


7. Using int 















import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'Integer_fun' function below.


# The function is expected to return an INTEGER.

# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. FLOAT a

#  2. STRING b



def Integer_fun(a, b):

    # Write your code here

    c = int(a)

    d = int(b)








if __name__ == '__main__':

    a = float(input().strip())


    b = input()


    Integer_fun(a, b)



8.  Using Int operations 

















import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'find' function below.


# The function is expected to return an INTEGER.

# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. INTEGER num1

#  2. INTEGER num2

#  3. INTEGER num3



def find(num1, num2, num3):

    # Write your code here

    print(num1<num2 and num2 >= num3,end=" ")

    print(num1>num2 and num2 <= num3,end=" ")

    print(num3 == num1 and num1!=num2,end=" ")


if __name__ == '__main__':


    num1 = int(input().strip())


    num2 = int(input().strip())


    num3 = int(input().strip())


    find(num1, num2, num3)



9. Using intMath Operations























import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys




# Complete the 'Integer_Math' function below.


# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. INTEGER Side

#  2. INTEGER Radius



def Integer_Math(Side, Radius):

    # Write your code here

    a = Side * Side

    b = Side * Side * Side

    c = 3.14 * Radius * Radius

    x = round(c,2)

    d = (4/3)*3.14*Radius*Radius*Radius

    y = round(d,2) 

    print("Area of Square is "+ str(a))

    print("Volume of Cube is "+ str(b))

    print("Area of Circle is "+ str(x))

    print("Volume of Sphere is "+ str(y))


if __name__ == '__main__':

    Side = int(input().strip())


    Radius = int(input().strip())


    Integer_Math(Side, Radius)



10.  Using Float 1
















import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'tria' function below.


# The function is expected to return an INTEGER.

# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. FLOAT n1

#  2. FLOAT n2

#  3. INTEGER n3



def triangle(n1, n2, n3):

    # Write your code here

    x = round((n1 * n2)/2,n3)

    y = round(math.pi,n3)

    return x,y


if __name__ == '__main__':

    fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')


    n1 = float(input().strip())


    n2 = float(input().strip())


    n3 = int(input().strip())


    result = triangle(n1, n2, n3)


    fptr.write(str(result) + '\n')





11. Using float 2















import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'Float_fun' function below.


# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. FLOAT f1

#  2. FLOAT f2

#  3. INTEGER Power



def Float_fun(f1, f2, Power):

    # Write your code here












    a = f1 ** Power





if __name__ == '__main__':

    f1 = float(input().strip())


    f2 = float(input().strip())


    Power = int(input().strip())


    Float_fun(f1, f2, Power) 



12. String Operations - 1
















import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'strng' function below.


# The function is expected to return an INTEGER.

# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. STRING fn

#  2. STRING ln

#  3. STRING para

#  4. INTEGER number



def stringoperation(fn, ln, para, number):

    # Write your code here


    print(fn+" "+ln)


    print(f"The sentence is {para}")


if __name__ == '__main__':


    fn = input()


    ln = input()


    para = input()


    no = int(input().strip())


    stringoperation(fn, ln, para, no)




13. Newline and Tab Spacing 























import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'Escape' function below.


# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. STRING s1

#  2. STRING s2

#  3. STRING s3



def Escape(s1, s2, s3):

    # Write your code here

    s = "Python\tRaw\nString\tConcept"




    s = r"Python\tRaw\nString\tConcept"



if __name__ == '__main__':

    s1 = input()


    s2 = input()


    s3 = input()


    Escape(s1, s2, s3)



14.  String Operations 2 





















import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'resume' function below.


# The function is expected to print a STRING.

# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. STRING first

#  2. STRING second

#  3. STRING parent

#  4. STRING city

#  5. STRING phone

#  6. STRING start

#  7. STRING strfind

#  8. STRING string1



def resume(first, second, parent, city, phone, start, strfind, string1):

    # Write your code here

    print(first.strip().capitalize()+" "+second.strip().capitalize()+" "+parent.strip().capitalize()+" "+city.strip())







if __name__ == '__main__':


    a = input()


    b = input()


    c = input()


    d = input()


    ph = input()


    no = input()


    ch = input()


    str = input()


    resume(a, b, c, d, ph, no, ch, str)



15. List Operations 1




















import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'List_Op' function below.


# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. LIST Mylist

#  2. LIST Mylist2



def List_Op(Mylist, Mylist2):

    # Write your code here



    for i in range(len(Mylist)):




    for i in range(len(Mylist)):

        if( i == 3 ):

            Mylist[i] = 60











if __name__ == '__main__':

    qw1_count = int(input().strip())


    qw1 = []


    for _ in range(qw1_count):

        qw1_item = int(input().strip())



    qw2_count = int(input().strip())


    qw2 = []


    for _ in range(qw2_count):

        qw1_item = int(input().strip())






16. List Operations 2 























import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys




# Complete the 'tuplefun' function below.


# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. LIST list1

#  2. LIST list2

#  3. STRING string1

#  4. INTEGER n



def tuplefunction(list1, list2, string1, n):

    # Write your code here

    tuple1 = tuple(list1)

    tuple2 = tuple(list2)

    tuple3 = tuple1 + tuple2



    tuple4 = (tuple1,tuple2)





if __name__ == '__main__':


    qw1_count = int(input().strip())


    qw1 = []


    for _ in range(qw1_count):

        qw1_item = int(input().strip())



    qw2_count = int(input().strip())


    qw2 = []


    for _ in range(qw2_count):

        qw1_item = input()



    str1 = input()


    n = int(input().strip())


    tuplefunction(qw1,qw2,str1, n)



17. Python - Slicing 















import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'sliceit' function below.


# The function accepts List mylist as parameter.



def sliceit(mylist):

    # Write your code here

    a = slice(1,3)


    b = slice(1,len(mylist),2)


    c = slice(-1,-4,-1)



if __name__ == '__main__':

    mylist_count = int(input().strip())


    mylist = []


    for _ in range(mylist_count):

        mylist_item = input()






18. Python - Range 















import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'generateList' function below.


# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. INTEGER startvalue

#  2. INTEGER endvalue



def generateList(startvalue, endvalue):

    # Write your code here

    list1 = list(range(startvalue,endvalue+1))


    list2 = list1[::-1]





if __name__ == '__main__':

    startvalue = int(input().strip())


    endvalue = int(input().strip())


    generateList(startvalue, endvalue)



19. Python - Set




















import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'setOperation' function below.


# The function is expected to return a union, intersection, difference(a,b), difference(b,a), symmetricdifference and frozen set.

# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. List seta

#  2. List setb



def setOperation(seta, setb):

    # Write your code here

    seta = set(seta)

    setb = set(setb)

    union = seta.union(setb)

    intersection = seta.intersection(setb)

    diff1 = seta.difference(setb)

    diff2 = setb.difference(seta)

    symdiff = seta.symmetric_difference(setb)

    frozenseta = frozenset(seta)

    return(union, intersection, diff1, diff2, symdiff, frozenseta )


if __name__ == '__main__':

    seta_count = int(input().strip())


    seta = []


    for _ in range(seta_count):

        seta_item = input()



    setb_count = int(input().strip())


    setb = []


    for _ in range(setb_count):

        setb_item = input()



    un, intersec, diffa, diffb, sydiff, frset = setOperation(seta, setb)






    print("Returned value is {1} frozenset".format(frset, "a" if type(frset) == frozenset else "not a"))



20. Python Dictionary 





import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys


from pprint import pprint as print



# Complete the 'myDict' function below.


# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. STRING key1

#  2. STRING value1

#  3. STRING key2

#  4. STRING value2

#  5. STRING value3

#  6. STRING key3



def myDict(key1, value1, key2, value2, value3, key3):

    # Write your code here

    dict1 = {key1:value1}


    dict1[key2] = value2


    dict1[key1] = value3



    return dict1


if __name__ == '__main__':

    key1 = input()


    value1 = input()


    key2 = input()


    value2 = input()


    value3 = input()


    key3 = input()


    mydct = myDict(key1, value1, key2, value2, value3, key3)


    print(mydct if type(mydct) == dict else "Return a dictionary")



21. While Loop 





import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'calculateNTetrahedralNumber' function below.


# The function is expected to return an INTEGER_ARRAY.

# The function accepts following parameters:

#  1. INTEGER startvalue

#  2. INTEGER endvalue



def calculateNTetrahedralNumber(startvalue, endvalue):

    # Write your code here

    list1 = list()

    i = startvalue

    while i<= endvalue:

        num = (i*(i+1)*(i+2)/6)


        i = i + 1

    return list1


if __name__ == '__main__':

    fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')


    startvalue = int(input().strip())


    endvalue = int(input().strip())


    result = calculateNTetrahedralNumber(startvalue, endvalue)


    fptr.write('\n'.join(map(str, result)))






22. For Loop:- 




import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'sumOfNFibonacciNumbers' function below.


# The function is expected to return an INTEGER.

# The function accepts INTEGER n as parameter.



def sumOfNFibonacciNumbers(n):

    # Write your code here

    first = 0

    second = 1

    result = 1

    if n <= 1:

        return 0


        for elem in range(2,n):

            next = first + second

            result = result + next

            first = second

            second = next

        return result


if __name__ == '__main__':

    fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')


    n = int(input().strip())


    result = sumOfNFibonacciNumbers(n)


    fptr.write(str(result) + '\n')




23. If Condition 





import math

import os

import random

import re

import sys





# Complete the 'calculateGrade' function below.


# The function is expected to return a STRING_ARRAY.

# The function accepts 2D_INTEGER_ARRAY students_marks as parameter.



def calculateGrade(students_marks):

    # Write your code here

    list1 = list()

    for i in range(len(students_marks)):

        count = 0

        sum = 0

        avg = 0

        for j in range(len(students_marks[i])):

            count = count + 1

            sum = sum + students_marks[i][j]

        avg = sum/count

        if avg >= 90:


        elif avg >= 80:


        elif avg >= 70:


        elif avg >= 60:


        elif avg >= 50:


        elif avg < 50:


    return list1


if __name__ == '__main__':

    fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')


    students_marks_rows = int(input().strip())

    students_marks_columns = int(input().strip())


    students_marks = []


    for _ in range(students_marks_rows):

        students_marks.append(list(map(int, input().rstrip().split())))


    result = calculateGrade(students_marks)






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