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Agile E1 59120 answers

 I m not sure if your going to 100% by following the below answers but defiantly you will pass for sure.
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Agile E1 59120

1. Which among the following is a recommended way to run Retrospectives?

Team discusses how they can improve thier way working and picks up one or two improvement areas for next iteration.

2. In a team that follows agile, how would a team member know what others are

working on? select two that apply.

a. The team should have a daily sync-up.

b. they may refer to the backlog maintained in a tool (Jira, Prime, and so on)

3. For any meeting (other than the agile events) that team members have among them,

what are the points to consider?

a. Team must keep number of such meetings minimal.

d.Team meetings(other than agile events )need not be time bound

4. What would be a suggested way to share and sustain knowledge with members in a


Sharing best practices, lessons learnt and other topics in a central place where

team can collaborate.

5. In a team, if someone gets stuck with the selected tasks for the iteration, what

is the immediate next step?

The team member should reach out to other team member for help.

6. How does an agile team obtain clarity on backlog items that may be picked up in

upcoming iterations?

During every iteration team has backlog refinement session with product owner for gaining clarity on the backlog items to be placed up in upcoming iterations

7. In the middle of the iteration, how should a team handle requirement changes

from the customer?

The team may re-negotiate with the product owner provided the changes do not

endanger the iteration goal.

8. In an agile team, who is responsible for tracking the tasks?

All team members are responsible for tracking the tasks in a common place such as a

Wiki/Jira/excel/physical board/wall/any other system

9. What do you think is a good way for team members to remain updated on work

status at any given time?

Having an updated physical/digital Kanban board, Scrum board or any other such


10. What do you think is the most effective way to ensure the code adheres to good

coding standards?

The code has to be self reviewed against a documented checklist.

11. What is an efficient way to ensure that the code is working as per the

acceptance criteria/business requirements?

Through automated unit tests.

12. When a product owner adds a new feature/idea in the backlog and brings it up

for discussion during the refinement session, how should a team respond?

Team should analyze the feature/idea based on the domain and technical knowledge

and suggest improvements/alternatives, if any

13. Given a piece of work to be executed in agile, how would you from the agile


An agile team must have the required skills, headcount being less than 12.

14. How does the team know what to work upon during the iteration?

The team participate in Iteration plans are shared by product owner and finalizes who should work on that

15. What would be a standard way for anyone outside an agile team (for example,

Delivery Partner of the account, Head of the Enablement Function) to get the status

of the work at any point in time?

He/she can refer the physical/digital Kanban board, which is maintained by the


16. When you have more than one agile team working on a single product, which one

of the following should be considered?

Teams to have regular sync-up meets to manage and reduce the dependencies.

17. If you are asked to bring in agile way of working into the way of meeting runs,

which one among the listed options will you implement?

Meetings must be facilitated and time-boxed

18. How does an agile team maintain requirements in a productive ?

Team maintains the requirements in a common place such as a Wiki/Jira/Whiteboard

and so on.

19. What happens if the offshore team are not able to participate in the iteration

demo due to time zone/infrastructure issues?

offshore members will miss the opportunity to interact with the Product

owner/Stakeholders and get the direct feedback about the increment they created.

20. How should a team have quality built into its deliverables?

By having an agreed and evolving set of definition of done items, which are

automated wherever possible.

21. After a team writes a piece of code, how can she ensure that it works, before

checking it in?

Through functional testing

22. When multiple team members are working on a related feature, how often should

they integrate their work?

In a scheduled daily (or multiple times in a day) frequency.

22. When PO brings up a new feature, how should a team respond?

a. if feature/idea sounds out of the box, team  must accept it in the backlog

b. team should analyze the feature/idea based on domain knowledge, validate the same & suggest


c. ……………, team must accept it. >> Ans

d. Team to analyze the technical feasibility and capacity before accepting the idea.

23. When you have more than one agile team working on a single product, which are crucial


e. All teams need to have similar agile maturity

f. PO/Product specialist to devote similar time to all teams>>Ans

g. Teams to have occasional synch-up meets to eliminate dependencies >> Ans

h. All teams to have an identified coordinator and they stay in continuous  touch to eliminate

differences >> Ans

24. Suggested way to share & sustain knowledge with members in a team?

i. Sharing of best practices and lesson learnt through emails

j. Sharing knowledge through knowledge sharing sessions

k. Sharing knowledge through informal conversations eg lunch breaks

l. Updating best practices, lesson learnt and other topics in a central place accessible to all >> Ans

25. Standard way to get for anyone outside an agile team (eg delivery partner) to get the work status

any time?

m. He/she can refer physical/digital Kanban board maintained by the team >> Ans

n. All team members need to send email updates to him/her daily

o. Have status review meeting whenever required

p. By talking to each team member daily to understand the status

26. What do you think is a good way for team members to remain updated on work status at any given


>> Ans Having a updated physical/digital Kanban board

r. Sharing status through email with all

s. Sharing individual updates with the lead and the lead sharing a consolidated summary with all

t. Sharing and referring status reports that are shared daily

27. Recommended way to run retrospective?

u. Team discusses the feedback received during iteration demo, creates a roadmap in retrospective

v. Team discussed how they can improve their way of working, picks up one or two improvement

areas for next iteration>> Ans

w. Team takes a stock of current velocity and forecasts the velocity for the next iteration

x. Team is encouraged to identify and take up process improvement initiatives

28. Effective way to ensure that the integrated code is working as per the acceptance criteria?

y. Through automated functional tests

z. Through manual functional tests

aa. Through automated unit tests>>Ans

bb. Through manual unit tests

29. In a team if someone gets stuck in the technical tasks during the iteration, what is the immediate

next step?

Team members can reach out to other team members for help

30.In an agile team, how would a team member know what others are working on?

gg.PO & SM are responsible for maintaining work transparency

hh.Team should have a daily synch up


ii.Onsite coordinator should share daily status for each member

 jj.They may know from the backlog maintained in a tool (Jira, Prime etc.) which will show the

items assigned to each members

31.Aer a team member creates a working code at her level, what is the fundamental way to ensure

quality of each line?

a.Through peer review

b.Through functional testing done by testers

kk.Through formal unit testing using tools/s/w/plugins


32.If you are working in a customer facing agile team, who is more mature/ready for agile?

c.Our TCS team

d.Customer team


Our tcs team and customer team are equal

33.For any meeting that development team members, working in agile, have among them, what are the

points to consider?

mm.Dev team must keep such meengs to minimal or zero occurrences


nn.Dev team must not allow such meengs to go beyond an hour

f.Dev team must restrict such meengs to max 30mins, with few exceptions

oo.Dev team to decide on numbers & duraon of such meengs based on situations


34.How should a team have quality standards built into its deliverables?

g.By procuring the best test automation suite applicable for the team

h.By having an agreed & evolving set of DoD items, which are automated wherever possible


i.By having robust denion of ready mechanism so that stories are granular enough must have a string set of quality assurance professionals to create built in quality

35.Agile WoW in meengs run?

k.Meengs must be scheduled with a lead me so that the participants can plan their work beer

l.Meengs must have a set agenda to facilitate a focused discussion and reduce digressions

m.Meengs must be facilitated and me-boxed

>>Ans lead/SM must facilitate discussions but he/she may close meengs as per preference

36.for an agile team, easy way to track the task?

o.SM knows the status as he/she only assigns tasks to members, he/she can use any tool to

manage the same

p.Onsite members are in a beer poison to track tasks at their end as they coordinate between

PO and rest of the team

q.All the tasks can be maintained in a common place (jira,,physical board etc.) with an indication

doing, done, to be done


This will not get you a 100%, this got me 82%, enough to pass.

r.Customer/PO should manage & track the tasks through any available tool

37.Given a piece of work to be executed in agile, how would you form a team?

s.Team must have all the skills required. Team size will depend on scope & budget

t.Team must have all required skills, hc being less than 12


u.Team must have all experienced people, hc not exceeding 9

v.Team must have a mix of experience & freshers with right skills. Team size depends on scope &


38.In a team, if all members do regular check-in of the code, then how should one ensure that the code

Is it broken anywhere?

>>AnsThrough SCM triggered build

x.Through scheduled build

y.By triggering automated build aer check-in

z.Through SCM based code branching

39.How does an Agile team manage requirements in a productive manner?

aa.Business analyst should manage the business requirement & technical team should manage the

technical requirements

bb.Every team members should maintain a personal backlog of items they are working on

cc.SM/Onsite coordinator to manage the requirements & communicate the tasks to the team


>>Ans.Teams maintains the requirements should be maintained in a common place such as Jira/Whiteboard

40.When multiple teams are working on a related feature, how should they integrate their work?

ee.Depends on whether the integration will break the build

.Aer they reach a logical end of the coding the functionality

>>Ans.In a scheduled daily(or multiple times in day) frequency

hh.In a scheduled weekly frequency

41.How you gone through the Living agile session?




42.How does the team know what to work upon during the iteration?

kk.Team participates in iteration planning during which lead/SM decides who should work on what

ll.Team participates in iteration planning discussion…… members must agree what to work



mm.SM has regular interaction with PO, he/she guides the team on the tasks to be taken up

nn.Iteration plan to be shared by PO beforehand, any spillover from last iteration is taken up by


43.How can one ensure that code adheres to the good coding standards?

oo.It can be checked against the coding standards for the technology used by the similar project

pp.Code has to be reviewed by the technical expert of the team

qq.Code has to pass through the static code analysis w/o any violations


rr.Code has to be self-reviewed to verify coding standards against a documented checklist

44.In the middle of the iteration, how does a team handle requirement changes from the customer?

ss.Its not recommended to incorporate any changes during an ongoing iteration

.Team can always take up the changes and extend iteration duration if needed

uu.Team has to exchange the stories if the Scrum Master/Lead convey the criticality of the changes

Team may renegotiate after discussing the overall impact with the Product owner


45.What happens if the onshore team members are not able to participate in the iteration demo due to

mezone/infrastructure issues?

ww.No issues. Onsite team members can have the iteration demo with the Product owner, it is a

single team anyways

xx.Oshore members will miss the opportunity to interact with the product owner and get the

direct feedback about the increment they created


yy.No major issue. Since onshore lead and onsite members participate in the demo with the

product owner, they can cascade the feedback back to the shore members

zz.It is a loss as the oshore members will not be able to contribute to ideas related to way of


46.What happens if the onshore team members are not able to participate in the iteration demo due to

mezone/infrastructure issues?

aaa.No issues. Onsite team members can have the iteration demo with the Product owner, it is a

single team anyways

47.Oshore members will miss the opportunity to interact with the product owner and get the

direct feedback about the increment they created


ccc.No major issue. Since onshore lead and onsite members participate in the demo with the

product owner, they can cascade the feedback back to the shore members

ddd.It is a loss as the oshore members will not be able to contribute to ideas related to way

of working

48.How does an agile team obtain clarity on backlog items that may be picked up in subsequent


eee.Team discusses and claire's doubts on backlog items in the iteration planning meeting

f.Product owner creates detailed user stories (Denion of ready) in the backlog before the

iteration starts

ggg.Team can interact with the product owner multiple times during an iteration without

waiting for the next iteration planning

>>Ans Team can have backlog refinement session with the product owner during every

iteration for gaining clarity on the subsequent ones

49.If you are an agile team, models?


 jjj. M2

kkk.M3 OR M4

lll.This model is not used

50.When in a team, following location independent Agile model, there are people distributed across

geographies?(not sure)

The members must have at least 3 hrs overlap me between all of them

The Members must have at least the daily synch-up together

51.Survey Q,Non-scoring  what role are you playing in your team?

Developer/Engineer/Devops Engineer/Automation Engineer/Reliability  Engineer

51. Fter a team member writes a piece of code how can she ensure that it works ,before checking it in?

Through unit testing

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