Case Study I - Perform Various Function Handling Operations using Python Code
Pyspark certification edureka
A robot moves in a plane starting from the original point (0,0). The robot can move toward UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT with a given steps. The trace of robot movement is shown as
the following:
The numbers after the direction are steps. Write a program to print final position of robot after a sequence of movements. (UP(+)/DOWN(-)=> Y Position, RIGHT(+)/LEFT(-)=> X Position) Example: If the following is given as an input to the program: UP 5 LEFT 3 DOWN 6 RIGHT 4 Then, the output of the program should be(X , Y Positions): 1, -1
In [17]:x = y = 0
while True:
robot_step = input("Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:")
if robot_step == "":
steps = robot_step.split()
direc = steps[0]
dist = int(steps[1])
if direc == 'UP':
y = y + dist
elif direc == 'DOWN':
y = y - dist
elif direc == 'RIGHT':
x = x + dist
elif direc == 'LEFT':
x = x - dist
print("x, y position of robot is: ",x,',',y,)
Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:UP 5
Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:LEFT 3
Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:DOWN 6
Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:RIGHT 4
Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:
x, y position of robot is: 1 , -1
In [13]:
# Distance of robot from initial position:-
import math
x = y = 0
while True:
robot_step = input("Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:")
if robot_step == "":
steps = robot_step.split()
direc = steps[0]
dist = int(steps[1])
if direc == 'UP':
y = y + dist
elif direc == 'DOWN':
y = y - dist
elif direc == 'RIGHT':
x = x + dist
elif direc == 'LEFT':
x = x - dist
print("x, y position of robot is:", x, y, "\n")
location = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
print("Distance of robot from initial position is:", location)
Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:UP 10
Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:RIGHT 12
Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:LEFT 7
Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:DOWN 14
Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:
x, y position of robot is: 5 -4
Distance of robot from initial position is: 6.4031242374328485
In [12]:
# define function:-
def position():
x = y = 0
continu = 1
while continu == 1:
robot_step = input("Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:")
if robot_step == "":
steps = robot_step.split()
direc = steps[0]
dist = int(steps[1])
if direc == 'UP':
y = y + dist
elif direc == 'DOWN':
y = y - dist
elif direc == 'RIGHT':
x = x + dist
elif direc == 'LEFT':
x = x - dist
continu = int(input("If robot still moving, press 1, else 0"))
print("x, y position of robot is: ",x,',',y,)
In [16]: position()
Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:UP 5
If robot still moving, press 1, else 01
Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:DOWN 3
If robot still moving, press 1, else 01
Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:LEFT 3
If robot still moving, press 1, else 01
Enter robot steps in 'UP 00 or DOWN 00 or LEFT 00 or RIGHT 00' format:RIGHT 2
If robot still moving, press 1, else 00
x, y position of robot is: -1 , 2
2.Data of XYZ company is stored in sorted list. Write a program for searching
specific data from that list.
mylist = []
print("Enter 5 elements for the list: ")
for i in range(5):
val = int(input())
print("Enter an element to be search: ")
elem = int(input())
for i in range(5):
if elem == mylist[i]:
print("\nElement found at Index:", i)
print("Element found at Position:", i+1)
Out Put:-
Enter 5 elements for the list:
Enter an element to be search:
Element found at Index: 2
Element found at Position: 3
# 3. Weather forecasting organization wants to show is it day or night.
# So, write a program for such organization to find whether is it dark outside or not.
# Hint: Use time module.
from datetime import datetime
def get_part_of_day(hour):
return (
"light" if 5 <= hour <= 18
"Dark or night "
h =
print(f"Its {get_part_of_day(h)} right now.")
its daylight right now.
5. Write a program to find distance
between two locations when their latitude and
longitudes are given
from math import radians, sin, cos, acos
print("Enter coordinates of two points:")
slat = radians(float(input("slat Starting latitude: ")))
slon = radians(float(input("slon Ending longitude: ")))
elat = radians(float(input("elat Starting latitude: ")))
elon = radians(float(input("elon Ending longitude: ")))
distance = 6371.01 * acos(sin(slat)*sin(elat) + cos(slat)*cos(elat)*cos(slon - elon))
print("The distance is %.2fkm." % distance)
Enter coordinates of two points:
slat Starting latitude: 98
slon Ending longitude: 23
elat Starting latitude: 42
elon Ending longitude: 532
The distance is 4592.28km.
import random
class Account:
# Construct an Account object
def __init__(self, id, balance = 0, annualInterestRate = 3.4): = id
self.balance = balance
self.annualInterestRate = annualInterestRate
def getId(self):
def getBalance(self):
return self.balance
def getAnnualInterestRate(self):
return self.annualInterestRate
def getMonthlyInterestRate(self):
return self.annualInterestRate / 12
def withdraw(self, amount):
self.balance -= amount
def deposit(self, amount):
self.balance += amount
def getMonthlyInterest(self):
return self.balance * self.getMonthlyInterestRate()
def main():
# Creating accounts
accounts = []
for i in range(1000, 9999):
account = Account(i, 0)
# ATM Processes
while True:
# Reading id from user
id = int(input("\nEnter account pin: "))
# Loop till id is valid
while id < 1000 or id > 9999:
id = int(input("\nInvalid Id.. Re-enter: "))
# Iterating over account session
while True:
# Printing menu
print("\n1 - View Balance \t 2 - Withdraw \t 3 - Deposit \t 4 - Exit ")
# Reading selection
selection = int(input("\nEnter your selection: "))
# Getting account object
for acc in accounts:
# Comparing account id
if acc.getId() == id:
accountObj = acc
# View Balance
if selection == 1:
# Printing balance
# Withdraw
elif selection == 2:
# Reading amount
amt = float(input("\nEnter amount to withdraw: "))
ver_withdraw = input("Is this the correct amount, Yes or No ? " + str(amt) + " ")
if ver_withdraw == "Yes":
print("Verify withdraw")
if amt < accountObj.getBalance():
# Calling withdraw method
# Printing updated balance
print("\nUpdated Balance: " + str(accountObj.getBalance()) + " n")
print("\nYou're balance is less than withdrawl amount: " + str(accountObj.getBalance()) + " n")
print("\nPlease make a deposit.");
# Deposit
elif selection == 3:
# Reading amount
amt = float(input("\nEnter amount to deposit: "))
ver_deposit = input("Is this the correct amount, Yes, or No ? " + str(amt) + " ")
if ver_deposit == "Yes":
# Calling deposit method
# Printing updated balance
print("\nUpdated Balance: " + str(accountObj.getBalance()) + " n")
elif selection == 4:
print("nTransaction is now complete.")
print("Transaction number: ", random.randint(10000, 1000000))
print("Current Interest Rate: ", accountObj.annualInterestRate)
print("Monthly Interest Rate: ", accountObj.annualInterestRate / 12)
print("Thanks for choosing us as your bank")
# Any other choice
print("nThat's an invalid choice.")
# Main function
Output :
Enter your selection: 1
1 - View Balance 2 - Withdraw 3 - Deposit 4 - Exit
Enter your selection: 3
Enter amount to deposit: 100
Is this the correct amount, Yes, or No ? 100.0 yes
Enter account pin: 1234
1 - View Balance 2 - Withdraw 3 - Deposit 4 - Exit
Enter your selection: 1
1 - View Balance 2 - Withdraw 3 - Deposit 4 - Exit
Enter your selection: 4
nTransaction is now complete.
Transaction number: 653779
Current Interest Rate: 3.4
Monthly Interest Rate: 0.2833333333333333
Thanks for choosing us as your bank
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